10-OH-HHCP: A new era of adventure is here! What are its effects and how does it differ from 10-OH-HHC?






What is 10-OH-HHCP and how is it formed? A matter for the laboratory

10-OH-HHCP stands for 10-hydroxy-hexahydrocannabichol. It is a hydroxylated derivative of the cannabinoid HHCP, HHCP being a derivative of HHC.

This tells us that 10-OH-HHCP is produced exclusively in laboratories and is the result of the oxidation of HHCP by the enzyme cytochrome P450, which is mainly found in the liver. During this process, a hydroxyl group (-OH) is added at the 10th position of the HHCP molecule. And what does the hydroxyl group consist of? 1 oxygen atom covalently bonded to 1 hydrogen atom.


Hemp jungle and text: 10-OH-HHCP production, molecular formula and the table where the tubes and beakers are

This process not only improves the solubility of the substance, but also affects how it will eventually interact with receptors in the endocannabinoid system (ECS).

Does 10-OH-HHCP have psychoactive effects?

Research on 10-OH-HHCP is at an early stage, so we do not have verified information - some is based on conjecture or knowledge of other analogue derivatives.

Currently, details are lacking on how 10-OH-HHCP interacts with receptors in the ECS and what effects it induces. It appears to bind effectively to CB1 receptors in the ECS, which explains why it exerts psychoactive effects.

10-OH-HHCP could have similar effects to THC, HHC or HHCP. Like other psychoactive cannabinoids, it may affect perception, induce feelings of euphoria, relaxation or increase appetite.

10-OH-HHCP can be expected to have low bioavailability and to break down rapidly in the body, i.e. it has a so-called short half-life in the body. This is the time it takes for the concentration of cannabinoids in the blood to be halved as a result of metabolism and excretion.

What do we know about the metabolism of 10-OH-HHCP?

Similar to other other cannabinoid hydroxyderivatives, 10-OH-HHCP could be metabolised in the liver by cytochrome P450 enzymes to produce a variety of metabolites, including inactive ones.

When 10-OH-HHCP is consumed orally, more inactive metabolites may be formed compared to other routes such as vaporisation or sublingual administration. Therefore, the method of consumption will influence the effects.

It should be added that there is currently no research on what specific metabolic pathways it passes through and what metabolites are produced in the process.

If we look in the cannabis library, we find a study on HHC from 2024. This study found that HHC is metabolised in hepatocytes (liver cells) through various metabolic pathways, including oxidation and conjugation.

Conjugation is a biochemical process in which small molecules such as glucuronide, sulfate, glycine or glutathione are attached to metabolised compounds. These molecules increase the solubility of the compounds in water and facilitate their elimination from the body.

Side effects

At the moment, there is no mention of the side effects of 10-OH-HHCP in the cannabis library. Therefore, only experience with other psychoactive cannabinoids can be relied upon.

Negative psychological effects such as anxiety, paranoia or hallucinations may occur. Other possible side-effects include insomnia, where the mind wanders restlessly through the night, red eyes, dry mouth, increased heart rate, headache or dizziness, i.e. the feeling that the ground is moving beneath your feet.


The jungle is slightly blurred and there is a silhouette in the foreground holding its head, depicting dizziness, which may be a side effect of 10-OH-HHCP

At the moment, we cannot rule out that the list of side effects will not expand. Their intensity will depend on the dose and method of consumption, as well as the health, metabolism and sensitivity of each adventurer.

Keep in mind that each organism is unique and reactions to this cannabinoid can vary.

Do not drive or operate any machinery after taking similar substances.

Navigating the cannabinoid jungle: 10-OH-HHCP vs. 10-OH-HHC

In the previous article we followed the footsteps of 10-OH-HHC. This compound was isolated by scientists in 2015 from the cannabis sativa L. plant and is a derivative of HHC, and is produced in a similar way to 10-OH-HHCP.

Let's see how 10-OH-HHCP compares to 10-OH-HHC.



Occurrence in cannabis




A derivative of HHCP with an added hydroxyl group (-OH) at the 10th carbon.

A derivative of HHC with an added hydroxyl group (-OH) at the 10th carbon.

Psychoactive properties




  • Euphoria
  • promoting relaxation
  • increased appetite

Legal status

Currently unclear, in most countries it will be in a grey legal zone

Currently unclear, in most countries it will be in a grey legal zone

Available products

  • 10-OH-HHCP vapes a cartridge
  • Liquids
  • Hash
  • Flowers infused with 10-OH-HHC distillate
  • Pre-rolls (pre-packaged joints)
  • Gummies
  • 10-OH-HHC vapes a cartridge
  • Liquids
  • Hash
  • Flowers infused with 10-OH-HHC distillate
  • Pre-rolls ( (pre-packaged joints)
  • Gummies

Premium 10-OH-HHCP pre-rolls by Canntropy

End of expedition

In today's jungle wandering, we have discovered that 10-OH-HHCP is a hydroxy derivative of HHCP and that it is formed by oxidation of HHCP with the help of the liver enzyme cytochrome P450, whereby a hydroxyl group (-OH) is attached to the 10th position of the hexahydrocannabichol nucleus.

Scientists have not yet investigated how 10-OH-HHCP works in the body and what its safety is.

As it is a hydroxy derivative, it can be expected that it will not be long acting. This is because this substance has low bioavailability and rapid metabolic breakdown, which means it is quickly processed and eliminated by the body.

Don't forget that (semi)synthetic compounds can be tricky as their effects can be much stronger than those of natural cannabinoids, increasing the risk of intoxication and overdose, which can lead to a bad trip.

Before you head out into the jungle, make sure you have reliable gear - only buy products from trusted retailers who have their products tested by an independent lab.

The cannabinoid 10-OH-HHCP is particularly suitable for more experienced cannabidiophiles.


Author: Canntropy 🌴



Photo: ChatGPT

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