Expedition for THCV and THCP: What are the differences between these cannabinoids?

What do adventurers know about the cannabinoids THCV and THCP?

THCV and THCP. Two new cannabinoids that aren't talked about much in the world yet. But scientific studies suggest that the expeditionary potential of these substances is enormous. The cannabinoid THCV was discovered in 1973. THCP has much younger roots, dating back only to 2019, which is also why so much is still unknown about it. 

The following overview gives a hint as to what other differences there are between THCP and THCV.




Psychoactive effects

Yes, this is one of the most potent cannabinoids on the market.

Not in smaller doses.

When was the discovery



Interaction with the endocannabinoid system



State of scientific knowledge

The number of scientific studies is insufficient and more are pending.

High number of scientific studies. However, a large number of them only on animals so far.

Therapeutic potential

Not yet confirmed.

Helps fight diabetes, obesity or osteoporosis.


Induces relaxation states, relaxation of body and mind, euphoric feelings

Improved concentration, productivity and increase in mental energy 

Side effects

Insomnia, fatigue, red eyes.

Insomnia, fatigue, red eyes.


An article published in the prestigious journal Scientific Report shows that the cannabinoid THCP is only found in very small amounts in cannabis, which is why it is produced in special laboratories using more complex chemical processes. First, CBD is naturally extracted from the hemp plant, which is then converted into the cannabinoid THCP using acids and solvents. 

THCV is produced as a by-product of cannabigerovarinic acid, which is broken down by an enzyme into tetrahydrocannabivaric acid (THCVA) and finally converted to THCV by heat or light.

There is also a difference between THCP and THCA in psychoactivity. Unlike THCP and some mushrooms in the rainforest, the cannabinoid THCV is not psychoactive in small doses. Compared to the better known cannabinoid THC, THCV has a two-carbon shorter side chain.


Effects of THCV and THCP

There are slight differences in the effects of the two cannabinoids. A few years ago, Italian researchers found in an experiment using cultured cells that the cannabinoid THCP binds well to CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain. 

They were able to show that THCP has a significant effect on the endocannabinoid system. The ECS is a great helper for the nervous system and is involved, for example, in controlling whether we feel hungry or sleepy. THCP has a half-life of between two and three days and thus remains active in the human body for a longer period of time compared to other cannabinoids. 

So far, scientists have mainly studied the effects of THCP in animals they have met on their travels through the jungle.

The most common effects of THCP are: 

  • relief of stress and anxiety
  • inducing relaxation states
  • euphoric feelings
  • relaxation of body and mind
  • pain relief
  • improved sleep

THCV also interacts well with the endocannabinoid system and can thus influence various processes in the body. Although scientific studies suggest that THCV has no psychoactive effects when taken in small doses, some researchers have noted increased alertness and a clearer mind. Sometimes there can also be relaxing effects and changes in music and colour perception, which can be useful on more challenging expeditions. 

Other frequently reported effects of THCV include:

  • Slower or faster perception of time
  • improved concentration and productivity
  • appetite suppression
  • increase in mental energy

THCV and THCP: Careful dosage

An encounter with colourful parrots is amazing, but an encounter with a tiger or crocodile may not be so pleasant. As in the jungle, vigilance and caution are in order when exploring cannabinoids. 

There is a wide range of THCP and THCV products on the market today, including cartridges, vaping pens, oils and drops.

As with other cannabinoids, the effects depend not only on the dose and method of administration, but also on the individual disposition of the adventurer. It also depends on which other cannabinoids and terpenes THCP is combined with. As a rule, the effects of THCP take a few tens of minutes, but can last for several hours. 


THCV also has therapeutic benefits 

Scientific studies to date have revealed that the cannabinoid THCV has therapeutic benefits. In smaller doses, it contributes to relaxation, helps with concentration and increases productivity. It can make travelling in challenging tropical conditions easier. 

Scientists have also found that the cannabinoid THCV could work similarly to anti-obesity drugs. Another study on THCV reports that this cannabinoid also helps with lowering blood glucose and liver triglycerides.

Clinical trials conducted in obese mouse models have also shown that the cannabinoid THCV can help restore insulin sensitivity, contribute to weight loss, reduce body fat and increase energy expenditure.

But there are other health problems for which scientists believe that the use of THCV makes sense. These include Parkinson's disease and osteoporosis.

Side effects of THCP and THCV

In the case of both THCP and THCV, we need to be careful about the side effects, which are similar for both cannabinoids. Although they usually subside within a few hours, explorers should keep in mind that at higher doses or concentrations, the risk of side effects is greater. The most common side effects include: 
  • redness of the eyes
  • insomnia
  • dry mouth
  • rapid heartbeat
  • dizziness
  • paranoia
  • anxiety
Because there is not enough information and research on THCPs, other side effects that are not yet known to us cannot be ruled out. 

THCV vs. THCP - scientific knowledge 

THCV and THCP also differ in the amount of scientific studies that have been carried out. For THCP, even the long-term effects are not yet well known. The importance of THCP is thus diminished by the lack of scientific studies, which distinguishes this cannabinoid from THCV, which is much more studied in this respect. 

This is also why a number of countries around the world have strictly banned the cannabinoid THCP. Others, including the Czech Republic, are waiting to see what conclusions the first large-scale scientific studies come up with. Some countries have also banned the cannabinoid THCV in the past, but their numbers are lower compared to THCP. 

THCV cannabinoid has a significant therapeutic potential compared to THCP according to a number of studies, but many of the studies are based only on animal testing results and therefore larger clinical studies are needed to verify effects and safety. 


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