On the trail of 10-OH-HHC: Effects, risks, legality




Production and history of 10-OH-HHC

10-hydroxy-hexahydrocannabinol or 10-OH-HHC is a derivative of HHC (hexahydrocannabinol).

The history of 10-OH-HHC dates back to 1980, when scientists led by Raphael Mechoulam first identified the compound and studied its effects in rhesus monkeys. We don't know the details of this research, but the monkeys probably rampaged more than usual, and so 10-OH-HHC was found to have psychoactive effects.

In 2015, a team of scientists from the University of Mississippi, led by Professor A. Ahmed, a professor from Mississippi, obtained a pure form of 10-OH-HHC.

10-OH-HHC is formed by oxidation of HHC by the enzyme cytochrome P450, which is normally found in the liver. In the chemical reaction that produces 10-OH-HHC, a hydroxyl group (-OH) is attached to the tenth carbon. The change in structure also alters the properties of the precursor, the starting substance, which in this case is HHC.


A researcher completes documentation on 10-OH-HHC while holding a dried block of cannabis, with a cannabis leaf visible on the table

Effects of 10-OH-HHC

The jungle is literally loaded with terpenes and cannabinoids. Some, such as CBD and THC, are already fairly well researched, but others, such as 10-OH-HHC, are about as well known as the Korowai people of Papua New Guinea.

Only one thing is certain, and that is that this compound has psychoactive effects, although probably less intense than HHC or THC.

What can you expect after taking 10-OH-HHC? Maybe you'll feel like dancing by the river, or resting under the shade of ancient trees. You might find that the flowers are brighter in colour and the parrots sing beautifully. You'll work up an appetite and eat a bunch of bananas to sit on. These are experiences that can be pleasurable.

On the other hand, however, there may be unpleasant side effects. You may feel that the ground is swaying under your feet, as if you were walking on a tightrope over a deep chasm. Your eyes will turn red and resemble glowing embers. Your mouth will be as parched as a lake after a long dry spell. You may feel that you are wandering through a dense fog or that you are being chased by a bloodthirsty beast.

Let's get this straight. You're moving into uncharted territory. Until scientific studies emerge that evaluate the benefits and risks of cannabinoid 10-OH-HHC, you must tread with the utmost caution.

How this compound will affect you cannot be guessed. It depends on many factors such as the strength of the product, the dose, the method of use, gender, age or metabolism.


A man lies in a hammock under a tree as he feels the relaxing effects of 10-OH-HHC

10-OH-HHC vs. HHC vs. 10-OH-HHCP

As we mentioned at the beginning of today's journey, 10-OH-HHC is a cannabinoid derived from hexahydrocannabinol (HHC). So you're probably wondering what these two substances have in common and how they differ. The following table will give you a hint 👇 to which we have added 10-OH-HHCP, a cannabinoid that we will introduce in detail in the next article. For now, let's just disclose that 10-OH-HHCP is a modified version of HHCP (hexahydrocannabichlor).

Now let's see what are the similarities and differences between HHC, 10-OH-HHC and 10-OH-HHCP.




Chemical structure

A semi-synthetic cannabinoid; originally a derivative of THC, currently produced synthetically, for example by hydrogenation of CBD. It is formed by the addition of hydrogen molecules.

A derivative of HHC with an added hydroxyl group (-OH) on the tenth carbon.


A derivative of HHCP with an added hydroxyl group (-OH) on the tenth carbon.

Psychoactive properties





euphoria, more energy, promote relaxation, improve sleep

euphoria, relaxation support, increased appetite

euphoria, relaxation support, increased appetite

Side effects of HHC

  • red eyes
  • dry mouth
  • accelerated heart rate
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • paranoia

likely to be the same or similar to HHC and other psychoactive cannabinoids; there are no studies yet that have mapped the side effects of 10-OH-HHC

likely to be the same or similar to HHC, HHCP and other psychoactive cannabinoids; there are no studies yet that have mapped the side effects of 10-OH-HHC

Legal status

A substance already banned in most European countries

Unclear, in most countries in a legal grey area

Unclear, in most countries in a legal grey area

How to find 10-OH-HHC in the jungle?

After all we've covered today, you might expect to have to wade through thickets, swim across a lake with crocodiles and wrestle with a wild tiger before you come across 10-OH-HHC, but the opposite is true. Even though we don't know much about 10-OH-HHC yet, you can easily find it in cannabis shops today:

  • 10-OH-HHC vape foam
  • 10-OH-HHC hash
  • 10-OH-HHC flowers
  • 10-OH-HHC cartridge
  • 10-OH-HHC pre-rolls
  • 10-OH-HHC gummies

These products are available in a variety of flavours and flavours and usually contain less than 0,2 % THC.


Canntropy's 10-OH-HHC flowers in Tropicana Punch flavour

Is 10-OH-HHC legal?

Vigilant explorers will also want to know if 10-OH-HHC is legal. The answer closest to reality is this: 10-OH-HHC is still lying inconspicuously in the shadow of the mahogany tree (in a legal grey area). In terms of the legal THC limit, it is legal, but navigating cannabinoid legislation is as difficult as navigating an impenetrable jungle, and laws, especially those relating to 'new cannabinoids', are either completely absent or full of ambiguity.

It is possible that products that you can currently easily find in e-shops and cannabis specialty stores will be illegal in many places in a few months. It all depends on how the legislative framework develops in each country. Keep a close eye on the laws of your jungle and check them out so that nothing surprises you!

Conclusion: 10-OH-HHC with common sense

10-hydroxy-hexahydrocannabinol is a modified version of hexahydrocannabinol (HHC). It is produced in a laboratory, has psychoactive effects and is not recommended for inexperienced adventurers. Information about this cannabinoid is still a bit of a fog, which will only dissipate when scientists delve into research and present us with studies on how this compound affects the body.

If you want to try new cannabinoids, choose reliable vendors who have their products tested by an independent third party. Laws regarding 10-OH-HHC can change quickly, so keep up to date with the current rules and regulations in your area.

Just a few words in conclusion. To survive in the jungle, you need to be careful, well prepared and you need to respect the environment (unless you want to drown in a swamp or end up in the clutches of a wild beast). It's the same with access to any new substance that comes on the market. Seek and verify information, keep your dosage low and don't embark on an adventure that is beyond your capabilities and experience.


Author: Canntropy 🌴



Photo: Shutterstock

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