What is H4CBD and what are its effects? A quest for a rare jungle treasure

What is H4CBD? - Greenhouse expedition

On our journey through the jungle, we first go to the greenhouse, where the queen of plants grows among the flowering lianas. An unmistakable scent wafts through the air. The queen is unmissable. We get closer and what don't we see? Green leaves and stunning stamens. These little treasures have a special and distinctive shape that sets them apart from other plants. Yes, that's right, we've just come across a cannabis plant - Cannabis sativu.

And if we examine these buds closely, we can see how they form clusters of resin on their surface. It's in these tiny droplets that the secret lies - cannabinoids like CBD and THC. But we're not gonna find H4CBD here, at least not yet. How is that possible? H4CBD is a modified version of CBD.

Now let's move to the lab, because that's the only place to find out how this compound is made.

A visit to the laboratory: How is H4CBD produced?

In the lab, a magical process takes place that turns CBD into something completely new. 

Four hydrogen atoms are added to a CBD molecule to create the synthetic cannabinoid H4CBD - CBD hexahydroderivative. Hexahydrocannabidiol, or H4CBD, goes through a hydrogenation process, whereas CBD is a direct derivative of cannabis. What does this production process compare to? It's similar to the way vegetable margarine is made.

Hydrogenation is a kind of 'ritual' in which the cannabinoids undergo a transformation. Hydrogen atoms are added to the CBD molecule and the result is a hydrogenated cannabinoid that takes on new properties and potential. This process can involve different cannabinoids and different numbers of hydrogen atoms can be added. 

We now know why H4CBD is considered a synthetic cannabinoid, even though it is actually synthetic like margarine.

Miracles do happen in laboratories. Scientists began researching and developing synthetic and semi-synthetic cannabinoids in the 20th century. We could synthesise CBD, but why would we do that when it is so abundant in cannabis?


Mystery in the jungle: Is H4CBD up to 100 times more potent than CBD?

Among the treetops, parrots are chattering that H4CBD could offer users three times the potency of CBD, and even that it could be up to 100 times more potent. What's the truth in that?

In 2006, a study came out that reveals interesting findings about hydrogenated forms of CBD and their relationship to the brain's CB1 neuroreceptors.

The study suggests that hydrogenated forms of CBD have an extremely high affinity for these neuroreceptors. This revelatory finding has triggered wild speculation that H4CBD could have effects that are up to 100 times more potent than CBD alone - at least in some ways.

A review of research in 2017 confirmed the hypothesis of high affinity for neuroreceptors, but no new studies examining the bioactive properties of H4CBD have been conducted since then. 

So while we know that H4CBD is a potent player, no further studies have emerged to tell us anything more about the potency and potential of this cannabinoid. It's like waiting to meet the mythical giant snake in the deepest corners of the jungle - we still believe it exists, but we haven't seen it yet. 

While H4CBD boasts of its potency on CB1 receptors, this claim also applies to CBD's potency on CB1 receptors, so the chatter of 100 times more potency must be taken with a grain of salt.

How does H4CBD work? Tropical Storm Effects 

The effects are similar to other cannabinoids such as CBD. Although H4CBD remains a fairly unexplored cannabinoid, we know that it binds to CB1 neuroreceptors.

To better understand how it works, it is worth mentioning that H4CBD is made up of 2 diastereomers, R and S. It's like meeting two different species of monkeys in the rainforest. The strong and muscular gorilla is like the R diastereomer, sending a noticeably greater force to the brain, whereas the small outlaw, the S diastereomer, has no such force.

H4CBD users speak of their experiences with enthusiasm. Some researchers report that it has mild psychoactive effects. H4CBD appears to produce similar effects to CBD, with presumably higher and faster potency. But this information is based only on a limited number of studies and anecdotal evidence.

Do you know the therapeutic effects of CBD? Check out what cannabidiol can help with below:

H4CBD can induce a sense of relaxation that can be helpful in relieving stress without being in a "high". It's like snuggling under a palm tree to relax and gain strength for the next expedition.

Exciting duel: HHC vs. H4CBD

In the hothouse of tropical cannabinoids, we move between a variety of species, and so H4CBD and HHC may occasionally get confused. However, these two cannabinoids are quite different. H4CBD is the hydrogenated form of CBD, whereas HHC is the hydrogenated form of THC.

A trip into the wilderness with an experienced guide: product safety

In the jungle, we have to be careful not to step on a scorpion or come face to face with a jaguar. A balance must be struck between fun and awareness. Even with H4CBD, the rules of sensible adventure apply. 

Always follow an experienced guide. Don't go on an expedition with just anyone. Choose verified producers who are already experienced in the cannabis industry and have a good reputation. These guides will show you the way to enjoy your adventure safely.

Every journey into the unknown can bring both joy and risk. Our greenhouse is still open, and you are one of the first adventurers to try this exotic cannabinoid, 

in several forms:

All of our products are subject to rigorous inspection and testing, self-certification and meet legislative standards. As reliable guides, we walk carefully through the dark paths of the jungle every time. We watch every step to avoid alligators, piranhas and other dangers that can make this exceptional experience unpleasant.

The end of the expedition

Although there have been rumors in the jungle that H4CBD is up to 100 times more powerful, there are not enough studies and research to confirm this yet. What we do know so far is that this hydrogenated version of CBD produces similar effects to CBD, but with likely higher and faster potency. Always explore the jungle with experienced guides and whether you opt for vapes, gummies, or any other product, make sure you're on the right route.


Photo: Shutterstock


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